Friday, May 13, 2011

I think the wedding between Kate and William attracted so many viewers because people love the medieval era of kings and queens. We enjoy this time period in America, but Europe especially loves it because they actually lived through it in their culture, so it's more engrained for them.

Royal Wedding -
Osama bin Laden -

Pakistan's Response?
Teacher of the Year -
Tornadoes -

Friday, April 15, 2011

Higher Costs for Higher Ed

The costs for college will go up in California because California lawmakers are trying to balance a budget that has a $26.6 billion deficit. While I feel for the students who will face rising college costs, I also realize that everyone must feel the squeeze if we are to close this $26.6 billion gap. I think the students who are protesting higher costs for a college education in California need to face the hard realities of life in California. For one thing, businesses have fled the State, lowering the amount of taxes California collects to pay for things like our community colleges. Because of our huge deficit, everyone will feel the economic pinch of hard times.

Dr. Sontag

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Week in Rap for March 25, 2011

Last Wednesday a woman was killed and 39 were wounded in Jerusalem near a bus stop when a bomb exploded. It was the first serious terrorist bombing in Jerusalem since 2004. Police don't know yet who was responsible for the bomb, but the Islamic Jihad had vowed last Tuesday to avenge a series of Israeli air strikes in the Gaza strip. Unfortunately, I don't think there are any quick solutions to the Arab-Israeli tensions, because their issues go back hundreds of years.

Dr. Sontag

The Week in Rap
AT&T Buys T-Mobile
Japan's Tainted Food and Water
Libya and NATO Air Strikes
Free Vote in Egypt - First in Nearly 50 Years
Super Moon
Jerusalem Bombing
Obama in Latin America
Actress Liz Taylor Dies

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Egyptians Vote on Their Future

This past Saturday, Egyptians turned out in record numbers to vote on amendments to their constitution, now that they have rid themselves of Murbarak. The Week in Rap linked to a news article that said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Egypt last week to let Egyptians know that the U.S. supported the revolution, and promised millions of U.S. dollars to help Egypt's democratic reforms get off the ground.

Promising millions of dollars to Egypt when people in our own country still suffer from unemployment, and when the federal, state, and local government agencies don't even have enough money to cover their own budgets may not make sense to the average person. It just goes to show how complex our political and economic structures are. Balancing our own personal needs against the needs of the global community demands a disciplined study of all issues that play into the mix. Before offering an opinion, we all need to make sure we stay informed about the complex issues at hand.

Dr. Sontag

The Week in Rap
Radioactive air
We don't know how bad
U.S. pledges millions of $ to help Egypt
19K teacher layoffs in CA so far
U.S. CIA contractor freed from Pakistani jail
Nate Dogg, hip-hop artist, dies

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The week in rap

Lt. Gen. Rodriguez apologizes - I think everyone feels sorrow and anger when hearing about the nine Afghan boys that were mistakenly shot down by U.S. helicopters on March 2. Things like this make Afghan civilians hate us even more, and add fuel to the Taliban's rhetoric. It makes us want to get out of Afghanistan all together. The helicopter pilots thought the boys were some of the insurgents who had attacked Camp Blessing by rockets earlier that morning, wounding one U.S. civilian. The U.S. had returned fire, and then called in two choppers to fire on insurgents in the area where they were told the rockets had come from. Unfortunately, those killed were only boys, ages 9-14, out collecting firewood for their families. This incident shows how difficult it is to fight terrorism. because the terrorists often hide out where innocent people live, making it difficult to avoid casualties like this. At least we do feel remorse and sadness over these incidents - it makes you wonder what the terrorists feel, since they continue to use these tactics that hurt their own people.

-More jobs in the USA
-Kilauea got hot
-Women - More education, still less pay
-Subway, world’s largest chain
-More advertising in schools
-Shuttle goes to a museum
- Obama fights bullying
- Mardi Gras week
- Nine Afghan boys killed

The week in rap

Friday, February 25, 2011

Gaddafi in Libya

Dictator Gaddafi in Libya has tried to shoot his way out of the national revolution going on his country. Over 200 people were killed this week as they demonstrated in the streets, calling for Gaddafi to step down as Libya's leader. This week Gadaffi also tried to bribe his people to keep him in power by giving each family in Libya $400. I don't think the demonstrators will give up, because other dictators in Egypt and Tunisia have already been convinced to give up their dictorial in response to demonstrators' demands.

Dr. Sontag
Your choice of topics this week include:
Watch The Week in Rap
Somali Pirates
Wisconsin Protests
New Zealand's Earthquake

As always, remember to include your first name and your period.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

I think the story of three Americans being held in Iran for 1 1/2 years on charges of spying (the three said they were hiking, and didn't know they were in Iran - they thought they were still in Iraq), should make us all appreciate the rights we have here in the U.S. We have the right to a fair and speedy trial. Now, after being held for a year and a half, they are finally being put on trial. Because it' taken so long for Iran to even bring them to trial, I think it's hard to believe their trial will actually be fair. For their sake, I hope it will be a fair trial.

Write about one of these issues:
Reagan at 100
Hikers’ Trial in Iran
American Students Escape Egypt
3D Images of the Sun
Sudan: Africa’s Youngest Nation
Laser Pointer at Pilots


Dr. Sontag